eCommerce and Retail

Skypoint helps you achieve personalization and increase loyalty by unlocking actionable insights that bring seamless shopping experiences across the customer lifecycle.

Power the Entire Customer Journey with a Privacy-First CDP​

91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide them with relevant offers and recommendations.* Skypoint helps you make every interaction count.

Skypoint’s privacy-first customer data platform syncs up scattered data, packages insights neatly into 360-degree profiles, and secures sensitive information. You gain endless data activation possibilities to improve personalization while respecting and protecting customer data.

*SOURCE: Accenture

Brenda Enyart

CEO, Sauvie Island Coffee Company

How Skypoint Gives You Customer Loyalty Superpowers​

Personalized experiences every time they shop with you.

Unify Customer Data​

Connect and clean all customer data, then view a high-quality customer 360 profile that’s primed for personalization.

Predict Customer Needs​

Use predictive insights (CLV, churn, recommendations) and targeted segmentation to improve retention and conversions.

Drive More Sales​

Personalize offers to increase repeat purchases and basket sizes, while winning back churning customers.

Maintain Consumer Trust​

Differentiate your brand through privacy-first experiences by using intuitive data privacy and consent management solutions.

Built for Truly Customer-Centric Retail Brands

You know the importance of loyalty better than anyone. With Skypoint, you’re more than ready to offer the tailored and trusted experiences that customers expect.